Exchanges & Returns

Complaints, Exchanges, and Returns

  1. If you have any issues with the ordered products, or wish to request an exchange or return, please contact Return If you decide to return the purchased product, you have the right to do so within 14 days of receiving it. The product must be in its original condition and packaging. Please notify us of your return via email at:, and send the product back to our address we will provide you in a e-mail message. The customer is responsible for the return shipping costs, unless the product is defective.
  2. Refund – After receiving the returned product, we will refund the full amount paid for the product (excluding shipping costs) within 14 business days.
  3. Complaints – If the product is defective or damaged, please report the complaint immediately by email at: In your message, please include:

    • Order number,
    • Description of the defect or damage,
    • A photo of the product.
  4. Exchange – If you would like to exchange the product for another one, please contact us to arrange the details of the exchange. The customer is responsible for the costs related to the exchange, unless the product is defective.

Thank you for shopping my art !


1. Right of Withdrawal (Return of Goods) in the EU 

Consumers have the right to withdraw from a distance contract within 14 days of receiving the goods, without providing a reason. However, this right does not apply to products made to the consumer's specifications or those closely related to their individual preferences.

2. Does the painting qualify for a return?

  • Ready-made paintings, not customized: If the artwork was purchased as a ready-made product (e.g., from an online gallery without any individual specifications), the consumer has the right to return it within 14 days.
  • Painting made to the customer's specifications: If the painting or print was modified according to the customer's request (e.g., adding an extra element, dedicating a message, note, poem on the artwork or print, altering the color scheme, or making other personalized adjustments), such products are not subject to return, as they are considered "made to the consumer's specifications."

3. Return and Complaint Conditions

  • Return shipping cost: The cost of return shipping is borne by the consumer.
  • Return procedure: Before returning the item, please send proof of receipt of the item along with a photo of any damaged part, if applicable. In case of damage, we offer the option to exchange it for another print, but we do not exchange paintings for others.